Many thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership with the centre
As a community initiative and not-for-profit association, Victoria Park Centre for the Arts relies upon and values your support.
VPCA members benefit from:
- significant savings on workshops and events
- discounts for local art suppliers and framers
- reduced rates for the Christmas Market stalls
- a fortnightly online newsletter
- invitations to gallery exhibition openings
- notifications of opportunities for involvement in new initiatives
- opportunities to attend Victoria Park Centre for the Arts or Kent Street Gallery functions
- eligible to attend and vote at the AGM
Would you like to become a member? Your support ensures that the Centre can continue to stimulate and promote artists and cultural activities in your local community.
You can become a member for a small fee by submitting a form here.
Annual fees for membership are:
- Individual: $25
- Concession: $20
- Family: $40
- Concession: $35
- Business: $75
- Not-for-profit: $50
Any suggestions you would like to propose for Victoria Park Centre for the Arts to consider implementing, please send to admin@vicparkarts.org.au.
Download the Rules of the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts here.
Become a Member
Are you interested in joining the Victoria Park Centre of the Arts as a member?
Member’s Page
Go to the member’s page here. This page is accessible by members only.