The Victoria Park Centre for the Arts (VPCA) Members’ Exhibition 2024 is open to current VPCA members. All entries are online only. An administration fee of $5.00 per artwork will be charged online and is not refundable. Artists may submit up to 2 artworks. Series or sets are not allowed. The number of works accepted will depend on available space and will be selected by VPCA staff and volunteers.
A ‘People’s Choice’ Award of assorted art materials will be donated by art suppliers Oxlades, of Osborne Park for the most popular work in the exhibition.
Please read the conditions of entry and sign to confirm.
Important Dates
Entries Open: Friday 20th September 2024
Entries Close: Sunday 10th November 2024 (late submissions will not be accepted)
Exhibition Dates: Friday 29th November 2024 – Tuesday 17th December 2024
Venue: Kent Street Gallery | Victoria Park Centre for the Arts, 12 Kent Street East Victoria Park WA 6101
Delivery of Artwork: Tuesday 26th November, 10.00am – 5.00pm
Collection of Artwork: Wednesday 18th December – Thursday 19th December, 10.00am – 5.00pm
Opening Event: Friday 29th November 2024 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Conditions of Entry
- Entries can be from any individual, organisation or business who is a current member of the VPCA. This is a celebration of creativity in our community.
- Participants can enter up to two (2) creative works. Works do not have to be of the same artform.
2 dimension works no larger than 100 x 100 cms3D works open on case by case entry
- Exhibited works are subject to VPCA’s discretion.
- Participants may enter work into any of the categories outlined below:
Painting | Textiles | Sculpture, Ceramics | Photography | Drawing | Mixed Media | Collage | Digital Media - All works entered for the VCPA Members’ Exhibition 2024 must be made online.
- All creative works must be original works, created by the entrant, and not copied from another person’s art or another person’s photograph.
- Artworks featuring any form of cultural appropriation will not be accepted to exhibit.
- All artworks must be delivered ‘ready to hang’ or display using D-rings to be able to hang on the gallery hanging system. Each artwork must be fitted with two D-rings, 4 cm from the top of the work. The work will be hung from these, not from wire, string, tape, or any other fixing.
- Unframed works on mountboards must be supplied with hanging fixings, which can be attached by framers or purchased separately, as with a Thorned Metal Foam Board Hanging Clip with Hinge available from
- VCPA reserves the right to not hang submitted works if they are considered not deemed safe, or suitable to be able to be hung using the gallery hanging system.
- All artworks must have a label with the name of the artist and the title of the artwork behind it.
- It is the entrant’s responsibility to obtain all permissions including model releases and/or copyright owner’s permission to have the images displayed and published.
- Wrappings of artworks must be removed on delivery by the artist or their agent.
- VPCA reserves the right to reproduce any image for publicity/educational purposes. This includes publications, websites, social media and/or promotions where the use is to promote VPCA and the Members’ Exhibition. In such cases the Artist & photographer will be credited appropriately.
- VPCA will not cover any damage, theft of any other loss of creative works.
- Entries that are not collected by Friday 20th December 2024 may become the legal property of VPCA, unless an alternative collection date is arranged with VPCA prior to the closing date.
- You will be informed by phone and/or email if your entry is not able to be exhibited due to quality of work or framing, number of entries or limited exhibition space.
- Images should be suitable for display in a community setting. VPCA reserves the right to reject unsuitable images.
- VPCA and all sponsors accept no legal responsibility for breaches of moral, model, privacy and/or copyright laws and releases.
- VPCA decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- No changes to entry are allowed after entries close.
- 20% commission on all sales is payable to VPCA. ABN or Statement by Supplier is to be provided to the VPCA if items are for sale.
- Artists who have an ABN and are registered for GST must include the GST amount in the total sale price. Artists who have an ABN and are not registered for GST must not include GST in the total sale price.
- Artists who do not have an ABN must provide a signed ‘Statement by Supplier’ form with the relevant section ticked when they deliver their work for exhibition. Failure to do so will require VPCA to withhold 48.5% after the sales commission has been deducted.
- Under no circumstances are any of the exhibited artworks to be removed from the gallery until the exhibition is over.
Telephone: 08 6454 1803
Facebook: Victoria Park Centre for the Arts
Facebook: Kent Street Gallery
Become a Member
You can become a member here.